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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sinclair Intimacy Institute - Incredible Orgasms

Sinclair Intimacy Institute is the world leader in relationship-oriented videos for adults with a library of over 50 titles. Working with internationally recognized sexuality educators and marriage therapists, Sinclair Institute’s video products teach couples how to communicate better about sex and to build healthier, intimate relationships. Their videos are high quality, non-clinical and entertaining presentations designed to provide accurate information in an appealing and empowering format. The [b]Better Sex Video Series[/b] (As Seen on TV) has sold over 4 million copies worldwide.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Daylle Deanna Schwartz - How To Please A Woman In and Out of

The techniques outlined by relationship expert Daylle Deanna Schwartz will appeal to any guy, no matter how self-help phobic he may be. Men are more receptive than ever to the idea of getting support, and How To Please a Woman In & Out of Bed provides guys with new solutions for getting more from a woman-in and out of bed-without manipulating, arguing, or begging. Schwartz offers men the key to pleasing their woman without losing one shred of manliness. The three elements-compassion, communication, and technique-will yield a more relaxed and more fun relationship, as well as a more enthusiastic connection. Men from all walks of life turn to Schwartz's expert advice for help in understanding women. Their positive response to her seminars and programs prompted her to write this guide for men. It's packed with real-life examples and situations from loyal clients that will explain to men what they need to make the most of their relationships. With this guide any man will gain a greater understanding of women, a more fulfilling relationship, and best of all, the tools they need for having more great sex!

Friday, June 24, 2011

J. Beck - Learn the Secret Few Woman Reveal - How to Have Multiple Orgasm

A guide to achieving multiple orgasms offers seven steps that tell readers how to help their partners learn to please them, the ways to heighten sexual enjoyment for their partners, how to prolong lovemaking, and more...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Big O - An Erotic Guide to Better Orgasms

Sinclair Intimacy Institute is the world leader in relationship-oriented videos for adults with a library of over 50 titles. Working with internationally recognized sexuality educators and marriage therapists, Sinclair Institute's video products teach couples how to communicate better about sex and to build healthier, intimate relationships. Their videos are high quality, non-clinical and entertaining presentations designed to provide accurate information in an appealing and empowering format. The Better Sex Video Series (As Seen on TV) has sold over 4 million copies worldwide

Product Description:
Ever left high and dry by sex? Want more powerful, frequent climaxes? Then "The Big O" is must-see viewing. Nationally recognized sex educator Dr. Marty Klein leads you through the latest findings on orgasms and explicit footage of attractive couples reaching the highest peaks of pleasure. Learn to "tune in" for a fulfilling climax without emotional "static". Why women need to avoid faking it. Ways to create multiple orgasms for both genders. Plus tips on your partner's pleasure, styles of arousal, and much more.

Randi Foxx - Explicit Positions

The book about the sexual positions, giving unearthly pleasure from employment by love. It everyone should know and be able. Love each other.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dare to Bare - Erotic Shaving and Sexual Pleasures

Sinclair Intimacy Institute is the world leader in relationship-oriented videos for adults with a library of over 50 titles. Working with internationally recognized sexuality educators and marriage therapists, Sinclair Institute's video products teach couples how to communicate better about sex and to build healthier, intimate relationships. Their videos are high quality, non-clinical and entertaining presentations designed to provide accurate information in an appealing and empowering format. The Better Sex Video Series (As Seen on TV) has sold over 4 million copies worldwide.

Practiced by lovers for centuries, shaving the most intimate of areas has become one of the most popular trends behind bedroom doors today. Dare to Bare gives tips on essential tools and techniques for safe and sensual experimentation. Lovers demonstrate how physical contact becomes more intimate and more pleasurable on deliciously smooth skin. Five real couples show how the art of sensual shaving can lead to wonderful erotic encounters. Dare to Bare opens the door to a private playground. It’s all here – creative ideas, the explicit techniques, and the permission – guaranteed to improve a couple’s sexual pleasure and lovemaking skills.


101 Embarrassing Sexual Accidents

Looks at various cases of people being badly injured or burned whilst attempting sex acts with various substances or implements, including vaccum cleaners and pipes, a hot melon, and concrete.

Violet Blue - The Ultimate Guide to Cunnilingus: How to Go Down on a Woman and Give Her Exquisite Pleasure

The title of this book is perfect for the content, as this is certainly the ultimate guide. I have bought and read all of the books on this subject, and Blue's book covers everything, literally everything, in a tasteful and warm-hearted manner. There are more ideas for cunnilingus, and giving a woman an orgasm with your mouth, than anywhere else. Every step is detailed and nothing is left to question. There are many helpful illustrations, dozens upon dozens of techniques and the book goes far into territory that other books do not cover. Of all the cunnilingus guides available, this one is the most useful.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Murat Aydemir - Images of Bliss: Ejaculation, Masculinity, Meaning

In Images of Bliss, Murat Aydemir undertakes an original and extensive analysis of images of male orgasm and semen. In a series of detailed case studies—Aristotle’s On the Generation of Animals; Andres Serrano’s use of bodily fluids in his art; paintings by Holbein and Leonardo; Proust’s In Search of Lost Time; hard-core pornography (both straight and gay); and key texts from the poststructuralist canon, including Lacan on the phallus, Bataille on expenditure, Barthes on bliss, and Derrida on dissemination—Aydemir traces the complex and often contradictory possibilities for imagination, description, and cognition that both the idea and the reality of semen make available. In particular, he foregrounds the significance of male ejaculation for masculine subjectivity. More often than not, Aydemir argues, the event or object of ejaculation emerges as the instance through which identity, meaning, and gender are not so much affirmed as they are relentlessly and productively questioned, complicated, and displaced.
Combining close readings of diverse works with subtle theoretical elaboration and a keen eye for the cultural ideals and anxieties attached to sexuality, Images of Bliss offers a convincing and long overdue critical exploration of ejaculation in Western culture.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tony Clink - The Layguide: How to Seduce Women More Beautiful Than You Ever Dreamed

Infallible wisdom in "The Layguide." Whether you are a “pick up artist” or an “average frustrated chump,” best-selling book has taught men across the country how seduce a woman without fail. "The Layguide” is full of solid-gold, field-tested advice on openers, initiating a conversation, reading body language, asking for a date, and closing the deal. A surefire way to end all lonely nights, "The Layguide” is the ultimate lifesaver for every guy who is tired of watching someone else get the girl.

Jack Morin - 10 Rules of Anal Sex

Jack Morin, PhD, a San Francisco sex therapist and researcher, is the author of Anal Pleasure and Health.
Anal Eroticism is surrounded by a powerful taboo. Yet millions of men and women - straight, gay and bisexual - are experimenting with anal sex. The anus, richly endowed with nerve endings and interconnected with the main pelvic muscles, is the closest erogenous neighbor of the genitals and contracts rhythmically during orgasm. Thirty-five years ago, Kinsey stated that the anal region had erotic significance for about half of the population. In a survey of 100,000 Playboy readers, 47 percent of the men and 61 percent of the women admitted to having tried anal intercourse.

Carole Altman - Electrify Your Sex Life

Everyone has inhibitions when it comes to sex. Getting those inhibitions out of the way allows for a lot more self-expression, fun, fantasy fulfillment and, of course, orgasms. Step by step, at a comfortable pace, anyone can make dramatic improvements in their sex life using Electrify Your Sex Life.
Psychotherapist Altman had treated many patients when she discovered that solving their sexual problems frequently solved all their other problems as well. She developed a successful program that overcomes past sexual failures and opens people up to a fulfilling and exciting sex life. Includes: -- How to create sexual images that turn you on and keep you turned on all the way to climax -- Ways to intensify your own sensuality so that you become a fully expressed sexual being -- How to devise love-making plans that take you and your partner to new heights -- Curing common sexual dysfunctions to free you up for a healthy and electric sex life -- Shedding inhibitions -- A section on "forbidden sex"


Mantak Chia - The Multi-Orgasmic Man

How many men can experience mutliple orgasms and dramatically enhance his sexual relationship
Offering men clear and practical guidelines for researching their real but seldom realized sexual potential, The Multi-Orgasmic Man vividly explores these extraordinary facts:
By learning to separate orgasm and ejaculation -- two distinct physical processes -- men can transform the momentary release of ejaculation into countless peaks of whole body orgasms.
Men who experience multiple orgasms -- by avoiding the fatigue and depletion that follow ejaculation -- report increased vitality and longevity.


Tracy Cox - Pocket Supersex

Super sex is within your grasp (in more ways than one) in Tracey's Cox's wicked, witty new guide. Read what she has to say on the "lick of love" or try any of her "twelve sex treats" and discover what makes this author so popular. Beautiful, explicit photographs underscore Tracey's irreverent, but always infinitely instructive approach to having fun while having super sex.

Emily Nagoski - The Good in Bed: Guide to Female Orgasms

Want to learn how to achieve 487 different kinds of orgasms?
If so, you’re reading the wrong guidebook. Despite what many in the media would have you believe, there’s no such thing as a rainbow variety of orgasms—and you’re not sexually inadequate if you aren’t having them every night, all night. Believe us when we tell you: there is only one kind of orgasm. And this is very good news!
Author Emily Nagoski has a Ph.D. in Health Behavior, with a concentration in Human Sexuality from Indiana University, and a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology also from IU, including a clinical internship at the Kinsey Institute Sexual Health Clinic. While at IU, Emily taught courses in both Human Sexuality and Marriage and Family Interaction. With more than a decade’s experience as a sex educator and an unshockable enthusiasm for empowering others to have healthy, joyful sex, Emily brings insight and clarity to the often perplexing, always fascinating world of human sexuality.
Our mission is to revolutionize the way the people learn about sex.

P. Taylor - Expanded Orgasm

A concise, detailed, how-to book on giving and receiving expanded orgasms. In tasteful and clear language, this book will teach the reader how to create and practice this full-body experience on a lifelong path of learning and pleasure.
This is a great book on how to really give a woman massive amounts of pleasure. I've been re-reading this work and I'm amazed at how useful it is as a reference book on the second and third pass.
After an introduction to the facts on the topics of what is an expanded orgasm and some useful communication skills, you delve into the realms of pleasure. Reading the section on the three opening strokes reminds me of the importance of every touch from the very beginning to the very end. And the topics on peaking and rhythm have recently been very helpful.
Of course having the right mindset (this book talks about that) and regular practice are also very useful. And I do enjoy practicing!

Barbara Keesling - How to Make Love All Night (and Drive Your Woman Wild)

From the author of Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Healing comes this remarkable book that will help men achieve a new kind of pleasure in bed--and please their partners in the process. Barbara Keesling, a professor, sex therapist, and former sex surrogate, provides the instruction to enable you "keep going all night long." Whether you're a man who wishes to enhance his sex life or a woman who'd like to work with her partner in order to gain a little more lovemaking satisfaction, How to Make Love All Night may provide the answers. By learning the methods for achieving multiple orgasms, Keesling says, men will be able to prolong lovemaking, keep their erection after orgasm, have stronger, more intense orgasms, and more. She notes, "I have never met a motivated man who couldn't master the techniques that lead to male multiple orgasm. Never." This book is full of exercises, each broken into two sets: one that can be practiced with a partner, and one for a man to use alone, so that he can learn to be multiorgasmic whether he's single or part of a couple. As Dr. Keesling herself says, "What do you have to lose, except sleep"?


Danielle Cavallucci, M.S. Yvonne, K Fulbright - Your Orgasmic Pregnancy: Little Sex Secrets Every Hot Mama Should Know

Thankfully, pregnant women no longer have to disguise their condition or confine themselves to the home. They’re free to do other things — like enjoy an active sex life. This no-nonsense guide helps mothers-to-be maintain intimacy through all three trimesters and beyond. Using the real-life experience of one author and the professional expertise of the other, it covers a wide range of issues regarding sex and pregnancy, including the unanswered, difficult, and taboo questions and topics most people are afraid to address. It also helps partners develop new ways of communicating that help pregnant women relish life’s deepest expression of sexual union. With warmth and encouragement, it prepares women for the sexual challenges and joys of pregnancy and motherhood, giving them confidence and the tools they need to enjoy it all with verve, humor, grace, and joy.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Simple Seduction - The Game Just Got Easier ( 3 volume

When you discover these powerful psychological concepts, you will have no problem picking up the women of your choice. Do you ever feel paralyzed by the fear of rejection every time you approach a woman you want to meet? Does your ego ever get clobbered out of shape after you’ve mustered up enough courage to approach her – only to have the cold-hearted woman turn you down?
How about the times when you managed to start a conversation with a woman that you like – but when you asked her for her phone number, she refused to give it to you? Or even if she did give you her number and you went out on a date with her, she lost interest and wouldn’t go out with you again?
Or, say, you did get to take her out on a second date, but she refused to be kissed by you – and said she just wanted to be friends. Or how about when you’ve taken a woman out on a few dates, she allowed you to kiss her – but she wouldn’t go all the way because she said she didn’t have romantic feelings for you?
How does it feel to strike out way more times than you hit a homerun with women?
Man, that must be painful!
What makes it worse is that sometimes you come across that rare breed of average-looking men who are phenomenally successful with women. You watch as a guy like this confidently approaches the woman of his choice – without any fear whatsoever. He knows exactly what to say to make the woman instantly like him. He gets her phone number with the greatest of ease, then goes out with her on a date, gets to kiss her and go out on a second date – and before long, he gets her to bed.

Simple Seduction The Game Just Got Easier - Vol.1(The Game Begin)
Simple Seduction The Game Just Got Easier - Vol.2
Simple Seduction The Game Just Got Easier - Vol.3 (Closing the Deal)

David Wygant - Sex with the masters (6 CD)

ant To Know What REALLY Triggers Women To Have Earth-Shattering, Mind-Blowing Orgasms? Don't Take My Word For It ... It's All Captured Here LIVE!
"Listen In As One Of The World's Foremost Sex and Intimacy Experts Lets You Into His Own Bedroom And Allows You To Hear -- LIVE, RAW, UNCUT AND UNCENSORED -- As He Creates Orgasm After Orgasm With His Lover...
..Then Reveals Step-By-Step How YOU Can Recreate This In YOUR Own Bedroom..."

M.S. Yvonne, K Fulbright - Touch Me There!

his lively hands-on guide is the first book to focus exclusively on all of the body’s titillating hot spots, offering lovers a new realm of sexual exploration and experience. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright gives readers of all sexual orientations a guided tour of the male and female body’s wild attractions and explains how to maximize pleasure from head to toe. Individual chapters detail her hot spots, his hot spots, mind-blowing spots for both sexes, and positions and toys for ultimate stimulation. All four sections help readers find nature’s hidden treasures, dispelling notions of what ?can’t” be done. A plethora of sex tips, techniques, and tools that build intimacy and communication skills leads to even greater sexual and emotional satisfaction. The information is delivered thoroughly but not too thoroughly, encouraging lovers to engage in their own sensual how-to sessions.

David Wygant - Girls tell all

ost “average” guys, on the other hand, NEVER take the time to learn what a beautiful woman is all about.
I’ve see it a thousand times in guys I coach: There he is out trying to approach women, set up dates, and then take everything to the next level. But it’s like trying to ride a bike without ever learning how to move the pedals or keep your balance. And the result is he falls down... time after time.
If any of this rings true for you, you need to stop right there. This subtle power of understanding and seduction is already inside you – it’s been right under your nose for your entire life.
Of course, like most guys, there’ve probably been times when you “got lucky” – where things just clicked with a woman. You know the feeling… the flirting… the sexual tension… the fun… all of it was automatic. And you couldn’t help but feel good about how smoothly you operated.
But the problem was that when you went out again and tried to duplicate your success… it just wasn’t the same. No response… no where near the same level of chemistry or attraction like you experienced before.
Meanwhile, the “naturally successful” guy has a consistently different experience. You see, each time he interacts with a woman he...

Sinclair - The Better Sex Guide to Erotic Dancing

Nothing drives a man wilder than a sultry strip show by a sensuous woman. This video will teach any woman - no matter of size, age or experience how she can find her own attracting power and build her sexual confidence. Sinclair's expert instructor and her class of 8 women know the way to perform with grace , style and self confidence. Watch in explicit detail as the women put "the moves" on their real life partners. DVD version has a FREE CD (35 minutes) of the original music score from the video.

Sinclair - Better Oral Sex Techniques

Sinclair Intimacy Institute is the world leader in relationship-oriented videos for adults with a library of over 50 titles. Working with internationally recognized sexuality educators and marriage therapists, Sinclair Institute's video products teach couples how to communicate better about sex and to build healthier, intimate relationships. Their videos are high quality, non-clinical and entertaining presentations designed to provide accurate information in an appealing and empowering format. The Better Sex Video Series (As Seen on TV) has sold over 4 million copies worldwide.

Madonna - Sex

Sex is a highly designed coffee table book written by Madonna with photographs by Steven Meisel and film frames taken from film shot by Fabien Baron. Sex was released on October 21, 1992 by Warner Books. The book was released by Madonna as an accompaniment to her fifth studio album Erotica, which was released a day earlier (October 20, 1992).

Ernest Busenbark - Symbols, Sex, and the Stars in Popular Beliefs

Prefaced by and highly recommended by religious researcher Jordan Maxwell. Full title of Symbols, Sex, and the Stars in Popular Beliefs, An Outline of the Origins of Moon and Sun worship, Astrology, Sex Symbolism, Mystic Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions and Religious Beliefs. Over 300 illustrations, includes over 120 pages of sex symbolism. Jordan Maxwell says "this is a must read book for those who are concerned about pagan influence on the modern day Church."

Gedun Chopel - Tibetan Arts Of Love

Presents in lucid detail the sixty-four arts of love, divided into eight varieties of sexual play--embracing, kissing, pinching and scratching, biting, moving to and fro and pressing, erotic noises, role reversal, and positions of love-making. It is a translation of the Treatise on Passion by Gedun Chopel, the highly contoversial former monk. He gives titillating advice to shun inhibitions and explains how to increase female sexual pleasure. An over-arching focus is sexual ecstasy as a door to spiritual experience--the sky experience of the mind of clear light pervades the scintillating descriptions of erotic acts.

The Hottest Stories from The Hottest Babes

Here are 30 sizzling minutes of hot babes getting horny out loud. Seven erotic fantasties to get you in the mood.

Leil Lowndes - How To Make Anyone Fall In Love With You

Here, from bestselling author Leil Lowndes, is a surefire guide to love for anyone seeking romantic bliss. In How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You readers will find 85 techniques based on scientific studies regarding the nature of love, including:
Finding potential love partners
Making an unforgettable first impression
Dodging "love bloopers"
Establishing sexual rapport
By using these pragmatic, down-to-earth strategies, anyone can turn new or casual relationships into lasting onesor make current relationships deeper.

Stephene Goldstone - The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex

Finally…the book for every gay man's bedside table.
At last! Answers to the questions you're too embarrassed to askbut always wanted to know!
Why does it hurt down there? Is it really safe to do that?
What does it mean when something looks like thisand how do I make it go away?
Chances are you never learned anything about gay intimacy from your parents, your school, or your family physician. Here, at last, is reliable, comprehensive information on a wide spectrum of gay medical concerns, written by an eminent surgeon and recognized authority on gay health issues.
With up-to-date facts, interviews, and case studies from the author's practice, The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex goes far beyond HIV concerns, combining a complete education about the safe and pleasurable practices of male-male sexuality with a comprehensive medical volume.
Here are the facts about what you need to know to keep your sex life hot and healthy, including:
* The rules of safe anorectal stimulation.
* Symptoms to send you running to the doctor.
* Foreplay, sex toys, and other accessories.
* Viral and nonviral STDs-don't wake up with an unpleasant surprise!
* Treatments for impotence and other sexual dysfunctions.
* Diseases that can be spread without penetration.
* Drugsrelationshipsdoctors (how to find the right one for you), and much more.

Larry Crane - Sex - What About It

Nobody talks about it. Now, for the first time, we will help you discriminate about this complex subject. A 6 CD set answers your questions.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Carlos Xuma - Secrets of the Alpha Male

"Learn the Secrets of The Alpha Male Self-Confidence To Attract Beautiful Women, Increase Your Self-Esteem, Approach Women - And Improve Every Part of YOUR Life!"

Michael Pilinski - She's Yours For The Taking: A Man's Guide to the Seduction and Sexual Enchantment of Women

She's Yours For The Taking: A Man's Guide to the Seduction and Sexual Enchantment of Women goes beyond the juvenile notion of just "picking up women". It's a complete Dating Mating Handbook that a man can refer to at every step along the way to seduction: from how to first engage a woman in a manner that makes an intriguing impression on her to guiding her straight into his arms by feeding her the proper romantic signals that she craves at every step along the way. And it's all done with paint-by-numbers ease! To begin, SYFT presents a very low-pressure cold-meeting move called Pull Tabbing. This easy-going, casual socializing technique will equip you with a solid plan of social action that can be stored away in your head all ready to spring into action. It's especially effective for making hay with those sudden "gotcha" chances to meet women that happen when you least expect them at the mall, in school or even out on the street. Pull Tabbing shows you how to flirt in an appropriate and friendly manner that can capture a woman's immediate interest and without having to hang your Ego out to dry in the process! Pulling a phone number will seem like a natural extension of the flirt, rather than an awkward intrusion into her life. Then you'll learn about the Three Date Master Seduction: Action, Connection and Romantic-style get togethers that appeal to her deepest romantic instincts like a lock-and-key. Understanding this correct approach to her heart can quickly forge that elusive bond of "chemistry" that is often lacking on first dates that fizzle. She's Yours then completes the journey in the bedroom with a galaxy of erotic moves that are designed to send her straight into orgasmic orbit while turning YOU into her favorite new addiction! No matter what your current level of social or romantic skill, SYFT will show you how to take it to the next level and turn any girl that you've got your eye on into the girl of your dreams.

Marie Forleo - Make Every Man Want You - How to Be So Irresistible You will Barely Keep from Dating Yourself

Instead, let’s focus on you–and how you can make yourself more appealing to others in almost every situation–whether you have a man or not. Think of it as a crash course in desirability, a life-changing lesson in loving yourself inside and out. Once you embrace your unique qualities and dissolve your bad relationship habits, you’ll be amazed to find how irresistible you are to others!
This girl-friendly guide reveals:
* Five Truths Every Irresistible Woman Needs to Know
* Seven Habits of Highly Unattractive Women
* Eight Secrets of Attracting the Right Man for You


Carmine Sarracino - The Porning of America - The Rise of Porn Culture, What It Means, and Where We Go

From the popular Bratz dolls to the infamous photos from Abu Ghraib, The Porning of America reveals that porn has become the mainstream?and the mainstream has become porn. Carmine Sarracino and Kevin Scott argue that porn has seeped into and been absorbed by every defining aspect of our culture: language, entertainment, fashion, advertising, sexual behavior, even politics. Cultural absorption is so complete that we no longer have to purchase pornography to get porn because we increasingly live porn on a daily basis.
In tracing porn’s transformation?from the Civil War to the golden age of comic books in the 1940s and 1950s to the adult film industry’s golden decade of the 1970s and up to today?the authors illustrate that what began in the dark alleys of American life has now emerged as an unapologetic multibillion-dollar industry. In this astonishingly comprehensive book, Sarracino and Scott profile such ?porn exemplars”?those who have been pivotal to the mainstreaming of porn?as Russ Meyer, Snoop Dogg, Jenna Jameson, and Paris Hilton; they document how mainstream advertising uses porn culture to sell commercial goods now to an even younger, ?tween” audience; and they pose crucial questions: How has porn shaped the way we view our own and others’ bodies? Sarracino and Scott examine porned advertising of everything from Clinique to Orbit gum to Old Spice. How has porn influenced our relationships and how do current sexual behaviors, such as the ?hookup,” mimic porn? The authors look to MySpace and Craigslist for answers. And how does porn shape our identity, as individuals and as a nation? Sarracino and Scott argue that the mistreatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib exposed our porned sensibilities.
Not an anti-porn diatribe, The Porning of America is resolutely pro-sex. Sarracino and Scott contend that, to make the most of our hard-won sexual freedom, we must thoughtfully?and honestly?evaluate what might be liberating about porn as well as what might be damaging. Nuanced, timely, and urgent, The Porning of America will change how you see the world around you.


Nicholas Boothman - How to Make Someone Love You Forever in 90 Minutes

Building on the power of first impressions, Nicholas Boothman shows how to find and meet the love of your life—and have that person fall in love with you—in a mere 90 minutes, or approximately the time it takes to have a first dinner date. Now in paperback, this follow-up to his bestselling How to Make Someone Like You in 90 Seconds or Less is updated throughout with information on Internet dating, bringing together all of Mr. Boothman's considerable interpersonal skills to the problem of finding lasting love, fast.


Bob Grant - The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave

The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave is quite a unique relationship book written by relationship expert Bob Grant. Mr. Grant is an actual therapist and has hours upon hours of real world experience in helping women with their relationship problems. This book is the culmination of years of his experience and advice from his practice in written form that he has put together in hopes of helping women repair broken marriages and relationships, or to put it bluntly, to help women get their boyfriend back or get their husbands back.


Kane - How to Create a Magical Relationship

A heartfelt masterpiece for making your relationship last–from the internationally renowned speakers, workshop leaders, and lifelong soul mates
An instant classic in the field of love and relationships, this deeply profound book by self-help gurus Ariel and Shya Kane teaches you and your partner how to have a successful relationship in three simple steps. By learning how to let go, let be, and fully commit to the happiness that can only be found within you and each other, you will rediscover the passion that first brought you together and the magic to keep you as a couple.


Paul Janka - The Janka Method - Approach Manual

Janka Method is a proven technique to approach women, start conversations, and build instant sexual chemistry. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to meet women everywhere you go, from the gas station, to the grocery store, and beyond…
Developed by a Harvard educated writer, Janka Method covers every stage of the attraction process. It takes you from “hello” all the way to the bedroom. This program will teach you the very same method the author used to meet over 3,000 women!

Paul Janka, the creator of the program, spent over 12 years refining a highly-effective, yet easy to use method for approaching women. Paul discovered exactly what works when it comes to engaging women, and this program is the result of his research…
The secret to the method is the speed and efficiency in which it can be used. You can use it to quickly meet women as you go about your normal daily routine. In just a few weeks, your confidence and skill with women will be dramatically increased…

John Alexander - How to Become an Alpha Male - Attract Women and Become Successful at Seduction

Discover the secrets to being an alpha male…and why women will love you so much more when you become one!
If you want to get girls so worked up over you that they simply cannot resist you – then you need to learn what it means to be an alpha male.
To put it simply, an alpha male is the dominant male. Alpha males have a certain way of carrying themselves, speaking and dressing that naturally attracts women from the moment they see them. Even the most beautiful women and the most successful career wise cannot resist the alpha male.
The alpha male inspires other men around him and sometimes faces envy for his amazing ability to connect with women.
All men have the potential to be an alpha male and the process is probably a lot easier than you think.

Brett Kahr - Who is Been Sleeping in Your Head - The Secret World of Sexual Fantasies

In the largest study ever undertaken on sexual fantasy, world-renowned psychotherapist and researcher Brett Kahr reveals the astonishing truths behind secrecy, shame, and taboo in this groundbreaking book based on surveys of 23,000 men and women from eighteen to ninety years of age. The definitive account of what our fantasies tell us about ourselves, Who’s Been Sleeping in Your Head? overturns conventional wisdom about sexuality today.

According to London psychotherapist and clinical researcher Kahr, virtually every sexually mature adult generates sexual fantasies that fulfill a wide variety of often unconscious psychological needs. What is the stuff of British and American erotic fantasies? Rape, infidelity, homosexuality, pedophilia, incest and, apparently for some Brits, kinky sex with the queen and Margaret Thatcher. For a 2005 British television documentary on the subject, Kahr collected data from 13,000 adults via a computer-administered questionnaire, supplemented with 122 face-to-face interviews. In 2006, he also surveyed approximately 3,000 American men and women. A building contractor’s strip-poker masturbatory fantasy, says Kahr, signifies hostility toward women, tracing back to a father who quickly remarried a hottie after his young wife’s death. A heterosexual woman’s lesbian fantasies represent an attempt to recreate a family unit in which parents wield a more benign sexuality than her own abusive parents did. A happily married costume designer’s fantasies turn unpleasant memories of sexual abuse by a learning-disabled older brother into a highly arousing experience. Some will no doubt find the subject matter titillating, but Kahr approaches his interviewees with respect and decorum. His prose is unabashedly enthusiastic and sometimes overwritten, and although his analyses are perceptive, the material is mostly familiar and unsurprising.

Michael Webb - 101 Romantic Ideas

101 Romantic Ideas Creative Ways To Romance Your Love

Sharon Moalem - How Sex Works - Why We Look, Smell, Taste, Feel, and Act the Way We Do

Why are women biologically driven to find Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome? Can more sex help ensure a safe pregnancy? What effect does pornography have on a man's fertility? In this compelling follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Survival of the Sickest, Dr. Sharon Moalem takes us on a trip from prehistory to the forefront of cutting-edge medical research, and through a bedroom or two, to tell the story of how human sexuality has developed over time. How Sex Works challenges common perceptions about our bodies and provides astonishing discoveries from the frontiers of science as it traces the transformation of sex across species and through time to its current role in human societies.

Find out the answers to such provocative questions as:
* Can the birth control pill influence the type of men women are attracted to?
* What do men and honeybees have in common when it comes to sex?
* Why do hourglass-shaped women tend to be especially fertile?
* When are women most likely to cheat?
* Can twins have different fathers? From the composition and function of human sex organs to the fascinating biochemistry behind sexual attraction, How Sex Works presents captivating new ideas and surprising answers to questions about contraception, fertility, circumcision, menopause, STDs, homosexuality, orgasms, and more. This is an entertaining, comprehensive exploration of culture, biology, and history that takes us far beyond our common understanding of sex.

Don Miguel Ruiz - The Mastery of Love

In The Mastery of Love, don Miguel Ruiz illuminates the fear-based beliefs and assumptions that undermine love and lead to suffering and drama in our relationships. Using insightful stories to bring his message to life, Ruiz shows us how to heal our emotional wounds, recover the freedom and joy that are our birthright, and restore the spirit of playfulness that is vital to loving relationships.
In the Toltec tradition, three fundamental masteries guide us to our true nature, which is happiness, freedom, and love.

The first is the Mastery of Awareness. This mastery teaches us to be aware of what we really are. It is the first step toward freedom because we cannot be free if we don't know what we are, or what kind of freedom we are looking for. The Toltecs said, "Let us see ourselves with truth", and they created a mastery just for awareness.

The second is the Mastery of Transformation, which teaches us how to become spiritual warriors and stalk our actions and reactions so we can break free of the knowledge that enslaves us. This mastery shows us how to change the dream of our life by changing our agreements and beliefs.

The Mastery of Love is the result of the first two masteries. From the Toltec perspective, everything is made of Love. Love is Life itself. When we master Love, we align with the Spirit of Life passing through us. We are no longer the body, or the mind, or the soul; we are Love. Then every action we take is an expression of Love, and Love in action can only produce happiness.

Gabrielle Moore - Turn Her On Faster - Advanced Foreplay Techniques To Seduce Her Mind and Body

Gabrielle Moore - Turn Her On Faster - Advanced Foreplay Techniques To Seduce Her Mind and Body

Turn Her On Faster: Advanced Foreplay Techniques To Seduce Her Mind and Body from Gabrielle Moore is a hands-on manual to understanding and getting into your partner’s mind & body. In this manual, you’ll learn how to make her feel good right from the start during foreplay.

• The secret art of nipple play… and how you can maximize your lover’s pleasure using this highly sensitive spot of the body (Once again, there are 3 nipple types that have to be handled accordingly. Most guys just treat them as the same.)
• Unlikely, little-known “hot spots” of the female body you should target to give your partner an unforgettable foreplay experience (Most men are not even aware of these areas!)
What most guys do wrongly during foreplay, and the parts of her body you should actually FOCUS on (Hint: It’s NOT her breasts or down there!)
• How you should handle your lover’s breasts during foreplay (Warning: Your partner’s breasts may be one of these 4 types… and unless you play with them correctly… they may actually feel painful instead of pleasured!)
• The 2 step technique you can use to “turn her on”… based on actual feedback by women!
• And much more!

Ron Lewis - Sexpectations

Pitched in tone somewhere between a Cosmo Quiz and one of the raunchier Salon columns, this is a fun book and very difficult to put down once you pick it up. Always stimulating and often quite arousing, though rarely very specific or detailed, the book consist of a selection of short interviews with women who are not at all shy about talking about their (seemingly very active) sex lives.

Frank Cupidon - Sex Secrets - A Husbands Guide To Love making

Make your lover so “hot to trot” she’ll practically drag you into bed. Discover how women really view sex, what they desire, and how to bring more pleasure to your mate – and yourself. Enjoy sex in ways you’ve likely only dreamed about.


Diana Daffner - Tantric Sex for Busy Couples - How to Deepen Your Passion in Just Ten Minutes a Day

In Tantric Sex for Busy Couples, Diana Daffner offers readers a modern approach to intimacy based on ancient techniques. Combining age-old tantric teachings, the peaceful exercise program of t’ai chi, and meditation, the book shows couples how to energize their relationship. The basic exercises include “Solo Stillness,” which helps readers embrace the inner self; “Connected Pose,” a way for couples to simply be together; and the “Tantra T’ai Chi Trilogy,” a tri-partite system for moving sexual energy throughout the body. The author’s foundational tantra t’ai chi exercises help readers prepare for the sexual practices described in the book, with things like yin and yang ceremonies of sexual massage for both partners and “Peaceful Passion” — a sexual union that requires neither a high sex drive nor a Viagra-inspired erection. Throughout these practices, readers are encouraged to maintain a sacred, respectful, loving, and ceremonial attitude toward their partner and, in the process, transform a relationship into a love affair.
